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"Hands down, the BEST IN BILLINGS" -Danielle Sperry, Parent
If in-person tutoring isn't an option, we currently have openings for remote online tutoring!
Please give us a call at 406-671-9670 or email us at

About Us
Dyslexia Screening & Tutoring Services provides dyslexia screening/testing and tutoring with the Barton Reading & Spelling System for children and adults. This Orton-Gillingham-based program is for ages 5 and up. We exist to empower individuals with dyslexia by providing them with the self-confidence and feeling of well being to be successful in school and in life.

We screen for dyslexia using a combination of tests, providing you with a detailed report outlining the severity of the dyslexia and/or dysgraphia and recommended accommodations.
Dyslexia Screening/Testing
Available year round, our tutors provide one-to-one assistance using the Barton Reading & Spelling System both in person and remotely.
Reading & Spelling Tutoring​
Who Can Be Screened?
Dyslexia Screening & Tutoring Services screens both children and adults for Dyslexia. We work to assist individuals of ALL ages receive the support they need in every walk of life.
Learn more in our Frequently Asked Questions
What Our Clients Say
"Her Self-Esteem Returned"
"I am thankful daily that we found Lesli and Kelly. Together they helped my daughter understand that she didn’t need to be fixed. Instead, how she was being taught was what needed to be fixed."
~Sara J., Billings, MT
"Very Patient"
"Kelly has tutored our son Elijah for his dyslexia for over a year and a half now. It is amazing to see his ability to read grow and his confidence flourish."
~Nikki B., Hardin, MT
"Kelly truly changed our lives from despair and struggles to hope, and she gave us the tools to learn and believe that we can do anything we set our minds to."
~Amy M., Billings, MT

More Information
Government Published Information on Dyslexia
Warning Signs of Dyslexia and ADHD
Contact Us
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